May 2, 2020

I have rituals to enter the ZONE of writing!

READ other Blogs.


Well, usually sitting in a chair outside in the fresh air watching the birds, which are the muses for my writing. These spirits squall, sing, dash about, rest in a tree, or quietly sit on a nest, maybe even watch me watching them. They could be shape-shifters, waiting.


I'm taken into their InBetween, my reality mixes with theirs - I find I'm flying, relaxed, cheerful, I'm ready.

So, in this feeling of the InBetween realms, gliding, swinging, sliding, singing, I head for my computer, turn it on, find the right blog or story/chapter on Scrivener and start writing.

If I need refreshing, I sat outside again. In the winter, I walk in the rain around my yard and wonder where the birds are. Usually, one or two appear. If there is a storm, I watch from my window, soon one flies by and looks at me, as if saying, "Write!"

My muses are always outside in their realm, cheering.

OOPS, well, there are the predators, the CROWS, who come in to eat and destroy the home of the JAYS, who eat and kill the smaller birds. Then the squirrels do their damage to my miniature MUSES.  And, hovering overhead can be an owl or hawk. I do hear this disturbance and horror. I am amazed the smaller birds, my muses, survive.

Then one smallest of a wee bird pecks on my window, I'm not sure what this symbolizes. The pecking happens when I'm busily typing. A camellia grows close to the window. The wee bird hops from branch to branch, pecking as a bird does on the leaves hunting for bugs.

April 2, 2020

My world with Covid-19?

READ Predator bubble.

Visit these Bloggers.

My world is holding up. I feel tired because of all the fighting about what, when, where and who is running the show. At this time nemesis, Covid-19 is in the limelight and steals all the action while the other characters fight to see who will be heard.

I do not want to die, I have many, many stories to edit.

This month I'm in the A2Z Blog Challenge, with emotions for each letter with blurs about a story for that emotion. Then editing the written story in and posting on and putting the story back the corrections into Scrivener to produce an ePub, kindle, and book-on-demand.

How is this for putting off DEATH?

March 10, 2020



During the month of April 2020, after writing with CAMPNaNoWri a story a day, THAT IS 27 STORIES, will post on StoryRealm for the A2Z Blog Challenge and the full stories on or as a PDF from google drive. Story, Story, STORY!

March 4, 2020

Family traditions and customs are included in my stories.

Including family traditions and customs in my stories is what makes them real.
The fun of writing is telling what I know. My life as analogies or metaphors are in my characters, usually the ole grandma, auntie or cousin names changed, places changed, and time changed. 

The stories of elves, trolls, pixies, fairies spirits and unwanted guests came from different places and times to the Oakgrove gardens (my yard). These characters from mythology arriving here for the adventure of living with humans. Each character brings a story (folk stories, myths, or legends), mostly from what I perceive and blended with what I have read, researched, experienced, or traveling.

AS I SAY, "Adapted, enhanced, re-imaged, embroidered, modified, elaborated, embellished, and fabricated from what I know and am into the story." 

The spirits from the other dimensions are especially interested in what the human youngster Lassie JooJee does her friends and the days of parties, holidays, and celebrations now and before. They compare what they know from their homelands (realm) to what they see and hear from the human Lassie JooJee. And so, the stories started.
Read other blogs!

AS I SAY, "Story is my life from my early years fishing and haunting the gold museums in my Colorado, to backwoods travel in Alaska, and then nesting in the richness of diversity in the Bay Area of California. I know my stories through child, daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt, and grandmother as well as art, teaching, writing, and verbal telling – everyone important to create an outstanding fantasy." 
my e

February 4, 2020

Has a photo inspired my writing?

watching a river flow
A real-life view inspires my writing. A photo is static and seen through a frame while a view from a high rock looking into a valley with a river emerging through evergreen trees offers decisions, or resting under a tree by the river with the light flickering through the leaves and branches, or sitting in a rocking chair looking at the birds and foliage of plants mingle with a few flowers offers story discovery. During any of these meditations, a story can flutter into my mind. First, an image then as a movie or short a
video. And as fast as I can, I rush for a pencil and paper to decipher the inspiration later what happened, what was said, and why.

The fun is creating the words and a need for anyone to read or hear the story. Most of my stories are thrown into my 'later' box. A few I combine, and that's when the real journey begins --> characters and a plot develop and twist the reader through the words as if they are floating on a river that splashes through the trees and creatures along the valley floor.