January 10, 2019

My favorite and least favorite question about my writing.

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My favorite question people ask about my writing:

Why did you write about faeries, elves, and trolls? Because they live around my garden and ask for their stories to be told. The reason why I ventured into the world of stand-up storytelling.

My least favorite question people ask about my writing:

What are you doing next? I have many projects stewing in the cooking pot: PURSUED, the Frog Princess, the Elfin Books, and the classes on how-to-do and the appreciation of art.

January 1, 2019

What publishing path did I take?

I needed help!
The self-publishing path was my choice because I did not understand the work involved. Actually, about as hard as writing letters to editors, who soon wanted agents to do the selecting, then the agents had readers, who selected few works. So I decided not to spend all my time on writing letters to anyone who would say no, instead to design and paint the cover and format the text. Online courses on how-to-self publish with Carl King, then Kristen Joy, were amazingly were fun.

I had control! Rhyonna's Fright did get finished and published and is posted at Smashwords and Amazon.

Now, I'm on to the next story, PURSUED, Vasalisa, the Wise.