I've been a member since 2009 and completed about 6 of my 19 attempts. This November, I'm working on WISE and WORTHY WOMEN FOLK, which includes animal tales: Little Red Hen, Hare vs Tortise, Rabbit in the Moon, Red Riding Hood, Spider Weaver, and Snake Princess; and classics like The Salt of Life, The Seven Swans, Rice Goddess, Taskuso, The Swarrow's Gift; and long epics as Durga, Li Chi, Lady Enida, Julnar of the Sea.
Many of these stories can be read on Wattpad.
I did not finish the 50,000 words, although finished Worthy Women Folk ready for first editing. Anyone out there in the vast web wanting to edit. Contact me at ART@bobbiestoryportfolio.com in Subject put RE: 'Edit Worthy Women Folk.'