Showing posts with label story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label story. Show all posts

April 4, 2021

I am a risk-taker when writing stories.

I am a risk-taker when writing. I have a radically different style and add a controversial personal topic to my storytelling and writings. I want to present a more charted presentation - words are overused especially details of a picture. The reader, listener or the viewer has their set of images, they bring to the story. Let them participate. In my writing the transitions from story to story are by the titles and subtitles. At the end of each story, I give my interpersonal opinion about the landscape to lead into the next window. The character walks or jumps into a frame of a related story then into the window of the tale. 

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The storytelling method is to connect story to story, chapter to chapter.

My driving force is a character: damsels and their powers, or tiger slipping through history, dragons shaping China, fire gaining freedom, and Sita's point of view. Several stories connected to another to create a continuous adventure, saga, history.

 A novelist uses words, a film director uses images, a storyteller frames verbal story to verbal story, so the audience provide their images - hooked into the telling.

March 2, 2021

What motivates my reading choice?

My reading is widely within the genre FANTASY or  MAGICAL REALISM while I create stories for the genre Bildungsroman. Quoted from David Mamet teacher at MasterClass in Dramatic Literature at Master Writing, "Bildungsroman is a literary genre of stories about a character growing psychologically and morally from their youth into adulthood. Generally, they experience a profound emotional loss, set out on a journey, encounter conflict, and grow into a mature person by the end of the story. Literally translated, a bildungsroman is "a novel of education” or "a novel of formation."
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As a storyteller, I found story has a narrative calling for causation of this person or that animal and the reasons why. Or, the story is a problem to solve revolving around magical good or bad that happened or will happen as Joseph Cambell's the Hero's Journey. So, I read stories where the character grows in the best way for themselves as well as helping others. The myth Durga Saves the Gods from the Indian culture during their revolt against England in1947 is the best example, a Goddess created by the Gods to help defeat a Buffalo Deamon, who wanted control of Gods.

December 3, 2020

The time of the year that is my best writing time.

SPRING, when plants grow and surge from the earth is my best writing time. My ideals have germinated during the winter and now ready to break to the surface of the page. This is when I use NaNoWriCamp and A2Z Blogging Challenge in April to complete the story I began at the last July NaNoWriCamp and the Clarion Write-a-Thon. I need these programs to help me focus and complete my projects, I need a schedule.  My time in the between months is spent editing and organizing frame with stories. First, I tell the verbal folktales, fables, legends I have analized; then I stand-up at a swap or now on ZOOM to deliver. Then enhance, adapt, modify, elaborate the takes into organize epic sagas; a tiger, dragons, fire, and damsels, and trolls and elves. Next fitting into a frame and then writing out the adventure. I now have a series telling timeless tales with five books completed. Seems will be ready at the same time - could be good.

Getting them published is my next enormous step. Is there a challenge for publishing?

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August 4, 2020

Folktales linked together create my genre.

Grouping folktale, legends, and myth became a form, even a genre for interconnected stories I told. The more I wondered a
bout the date and characters in the Asian Art Museum galleries, the more I needed a frame, sequence for telling the myths, legends, and folktales as I carved a path from statues of art the better my stories related.

On a stage for one to two, hours most storytellers connect their stories by a frame; the stories might have different characters, time, and settings; a novel uses scenes with the same characters. So I use dragon, tiger, anger, and justice through history in stories to relate as we travel on an ancient time path.

Today, I write the legends, myths, folktales that I told in the segue in a frame.
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Let's take the tiger folktales, each folktale is an event building the drama. A simple introduction, a tiger is born. A problem, tiger escapes from a man, roams, and dies. In a twist, the tiger is given life. The drama thickens; the tiger becomes greedy and embarrassed by a rabbit while he is in a pit once out tiger is injured hunting a pheasant. In the climax, the tiger hid in a cave and healed by a woman. With a satisfying ending, the tiger happily dances behind a drummer to a fest. A simple plot with maybe 12 folktales traveling through history with the tiger the character, which builds intrigue while hearing a simple history of Korea and the children did not suspect, either do adults.

Beware, one can enhance, adapt, modify, revision, embroidery, embellish, exaggerate and elaborate traditional tales; they have no copyright. Keep the plot lines; we all know the stories from childhood and enjoy the familiarity.

June 19, 2020

No new stories only repeats of the same plots.

The storytellers have for centuries, forever, told traditional stories that have a simple plot: “Once upon a time there lived so-and-so in a land far away.” The time, characters, place settled then to the event to solve, climax, and conclusion. Simple!

The ancient fable Hare and the Turtle,
The set-up – careful Turtle slower that the over-confident Hare;
event - a race;
final event – arrogant Hare (nemesis) falls asleep;
climax- slow, plodding Turtle (protagonist) wins;
and conclusion – Hare can’t believe the Turtle won, and neither can the Turtle believe she won.

The basic plot remains the same, speaking to our genetic bodies. Verbal stories are inbred into our spirits, souls, and physic centuries before writing, photos, movies, or computers. The bones of our stories connect to our bones. We have heard stories for eons in many versions. Writers and storytellers tailor narratives for us; they enhance, fabricate, and re-image the characters and places, and use basic plots. Think about all novels and movies based on The Hare and Turtle. The same simple plot satisfies the teller, writer, listener, reader, and viewer.

June 3, 2020

I have a secret about my writing, something few know.

I have secrets my readers would never know from my work?

I think they would if taught from the DICK, JANE. and SALLY the reader book for first and second grades. Called SITE reading from the PICTURES. Look at the picture: what do you see? what are they doing this? who do you see? where is this happening? and how are they doing this? I can still see the pictures and not the words on the other page. No spelling or grammar, just looking at the picture. This, those, it, that, here, there, all vague words to put into the picture.

So when I started writing, what were given in school was diddos --- fill in the blanks, no multi-choice, a, b, c, d.  Is that writing, NO, absolutely not. So injured children went forth into the world as laborers.
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You want to know what else, no phonics  -- just a bunch of letters to memorize for the spelling test.  No writing career, years of repair, even to speech the English language was horror, I had to make-up my words to speak and for letters of words with no sounds -→ (I was creative); so I became a visual reader, my first language. Sound is next, and you know what words are not spelled as they sound. How is that for a non-reader, tragedy, destruction - because I was considered poor and went to a poor school with deprived children.

Why is this education still today going on?

March 4, 2020

Family traditions and customs are included in my stories.

Including family traditions and customs in my stories is what makes them real.
The fun of writing is telling what I know. My life as analogies or metaphors are in my characters, usually the ole grandma, auntie or cousin names changed, places changed, and time changed. 

The stories of elves, trolls, pixies, fairies spirits and unwanted guests came from different places and times to the Oakgrove gardens (my yard). These characters from mythology arriving here for the adventure of living with humans. Each character brings a story (folk stories, myths, or legends), mostly from what I perceive and blended with what I have read, researched, experienced, or traveling.

AS I SAY, "Adapted, enhanced, re-imaged, embroidered, modified, elaborated, embellished, and fabricated from what I know and am into the story." 

The spirits from the other dimensions are especially interested in what the human youngster Lassie JooJee does her friends and the days of parties, holidays, and celebrations now and before. They compare what they know from their homelands (realm) to what they see and hear from the human Lassie JooJee. And so, the stories started.
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AS I SAY, "Story is my life from my early years fishing and haunting the gold museums in my Colorado, to backwoods travel in Alaska, and then nesting in the richness of diversity in the Bay Area of California. I know my stories through child, daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt, and grandmother as well as art, teaching, writing, and verbal telling – everyone important to create an outstanding fantasy." 
my e

February 4, 2020

Has a photo inspired my writing?

watching a river flow
A real-life view inspires my writing. A photo is static and seen through a frame while a view from a high rock looking into a valley with a river emerging through evergreen trees offers decisions, or resting under a tree by the river with the light flickering through the leaves and branches, or sitting in a rocking chair looking at the birds and foliage of plants mingle with a few flowers offers story discovery. During any of these meditations, a story can flutter into my mind. First, an image then as a movie or short a
video. And as fast as I can, I rush for a pencil and paper to decipher the inspiration later what happened, what was said, and why.

The fun is creating the words and a need for anyone to read or hear the story. Most of my stories are thrown into my 'later' box. A few I combine, and that's when the real journey begins --> characters and a plot develop and twist the reader through the words as if they are floating on a river that splashes through the trees and creatures along the valley floor.

December 6, 2019

My Writer Self in a Dream

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How I describe MY writer-self, how work looks and feels like if I were living the dream? 

Well, first I sit on a roll-a-coster, then jump off onto a flower which bobs up and down. I slid off and land on another flower with spider webs tangled around the petals. I manage to slip through the petals and sticky web and jump to a leaf, another leaf joined others in jumping here and there; finally, I fall into a large pond of water. I float, relaxing. The sun shines, people laugh. Then boom the water begins turning around and falling into a funnel, which becomes a long tunnel which twists and turns around and down. I plop out on soft mulch staring at bright lights. Then I hear shouts of joy and hands lift me up, bells rings, and whistles blowing, shout of 'hurray' echo. Balloons are handed to me.  I hear, "Great novel!" 

I stand thinking writing that story was worth my efforts now time to begin the next.

July 3, 2019

My Personal Traits in my Characters

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What personal traits have I written into my characters?

EASY, the love and playfulness of nature and the insects and spirits who play between the light and shadows. This is actually my view of life about the magical spirits that occupy my mind as I sit in my garden watching the trees and flowers grow and bloom.

April 18, 2018

How do I keep on writing in my rain storm?

insecure writers support group

When it is pouring rain and melting my papers and blurring my penned words  --> I cry!  Look out of my eyes, wait and wait, sleep, or walk, work in my garden, pet my cats. Really - CRY! SOB! SCREAM!  These help!

writer telling a story
Or, I might organize the papers and the stuff around my computer and on the desk, or find where I am on other project, chose one, and start there. Then after a while when the rain stops, start the writing.

Thunder storms from my family, either wanting something or to check on me when I'm consumed by my project is turmoil. The noise, or the distress from my head spreads and causes wonder, even friends text. I ignor everyone and continue to cry --> I can talk to them later.

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November 13, 2017

Interview - Part 5, FIRE the Hunger


How did you put the stories together?

First, I selected stories to prove my premise and compliment the theme, then arranged the order: the volcanoes and then the animals that helped to a hunter that steals FIRE to the tragedy of that theft burning down the forest, thus making the god Kaang’s warning true, “The human loss of harmony with the animals.” 

And for a constructive conclusion after the horrid FIRE ate the forest and homes, I added a creative story I wrote about a squirrel, Bertha Digby. who replants the forest. Which is fitting because if you ever lived among trees, squirrels are the busiest of creatures planting everything they get their paws on. In my yard, they are always in the Oak, Avocado, Magnolia, or Camille trees. And if they could, they would even plant apples and orange trees as they do the plum trees. The squirrels carry flowers seeds on their fur, and these seeds scatter around the ground while they dig in the acorns, walnut and avocado seed, which will grow into trees if not dug up for foods later.

  FIRE, the Hunger.

August 16, 2017

Interview - Part 2 - FIRE, the Hunger

FIRE, the Hunger

Why did you pick the FIRE stories you selected?

I wasn't sure if there were stories that talked about the beginnings of FIRE. I knew there were ancient stories about discovering the wheel. So I went the online library and came across about 10 suitable stories. Plus, a few stories about FIRE gods:  Pele and her anger, and Greek and Roman gods, and a story from South America about the god that protected FIRE in the heath. Some worked and most did not. Then I came across stories from the Native Americans about who spread FIRE: Hummingbird, Beaver, Spider, and then the Monkeys who helped a lost Hunter with FIRE. Finally, I found a warning from the bushmen God Kaang, who "If humans had FIRE no harmony would last between trees, animals, and the humans. No longer could they speak with each other." That became the premise, the theme, for the plot - the dangers of FIRE and fear in animals. And as a child, when camping we had FIRE contained in a pit, and it was dangerously hot and tried to continually escape to eat whatever FIRE could.

May 23, 2017

Where is the authorpreneur?

Frankly, I'm lost on a busy noisy downtown business district in a gigantic intersection lined with sky-scapers, packed with cars, buses, taxis, streetcars, bicycles, scooters, and pedestrians rushing everywhere among the loud noises. 

My car stopped at 'red' light in the intersection with multi lanes going in all directions: emails, websites, blogs, e-newsletters, subscribers, e-publishers, e-bookstores, e-books, PoDs, bookstores, libraries, info-products, podcasts, audios, and video production. All cramped into lanes waiting for the light to change. 

The green light directs "go" in my lane. I drive safely through the congested intersection while others wait, watching. When I'm on the other side, I park my car to open my computer to find 'where', 'when', 'how', and 'why' all the (^*%@*&~) traffic.

Long web lines attach from my computer stretching and dangling somewhere/anywhere from one site across to the next site in one massive jumble of links. I slip into tangle lines entranced by banners, ads, visuals, and promotions that hypnotize with flashing lights and fantastic hooks for marketing my stories. 

First, my blogs storyportfolio for my story art; then TheSTORYRealm for my verbal stories; and BlobBlobandBlogging for writing advice; for my resume and business As Is Productions; Flickr and Behance for art and photos; and my website Wordpress; for my e-newsletter
Eventing . . . a provider MailChimp which formats email and manages the lists; Facebook with professional pages ART and STORYTELLING; and @twitter; Pinterest for product sales; and google+ general posts.Then there are apps, plug-ins, and widgets for your websites and blogs; Comiclife and Canvas for design; Libsyn, Audacity, iTunes, and Soundcloud for podcasting and audios; webinars; google+ hangouts; and youtube channel for my storytelling videos. For challenges NANOWRIMO and the Clarion Write-a-Thon for writing; an AtoZBlog challenge to keep the stories coming. Then Scribd., Wattpad, and Bubblish for beta readers to enjoy my works-in-progress, on and on and on. 
All these sites have connecting links for my readers to post comments and links to their sites or friends.

Thus, Rhyonna's story has copyright, ISBNs, and LCCN# for paperback and Kindle on Amazon with an Amazon Author Page; listed on Smashwords for distribution to libraries and other ebook stores:  iBooks, Barnes&Nobles, Kobo and now on SELL-e for Librarians; and so featured on Goodreads.
--> Rhyonna and my stories happily and contently stream through the web catching readers and listener from one site or another. I close my computer and relax, waiting like a spider to capture visitors that stream enchanted through the vast buzz of STORY! Successfully, I accomplished my goal.

I love STORY!

I start my car and drive into the streaming traffic working on my next projects:  Vasalisa and The Elfin Letters.

November 7, 2016

Interview on

Interview by Seth_Kiven, Cortlan Blakely, on

1) What is your favorite genre to read?
Wattpadian Interviews
My favor genre in non-fiction nature, ancient cultures, and modern places, things, and ideas. Non-fiction opens the doors to many possibilities. To balance this genre, I read traditional folktales, faery tales, and legends and myths from around the world.

2) What is your favorite genre to write?
Fantasy is my favorite because I can create a world and characters that fit a theme or premise I want to speak about or prove, and the readers enjoy the metaphors and analogies plus they can view the story through a world they created.

3)   How did you find Wattpad?
 All started out at RedBook, out of San Francisco, one of the first website for authors to show their works, bio, etc. Of course, I was slow and my first book, Rhyonna's Fright, took a long time to write and in the meantime, RedBook (Craigslist owned them) sold to a Canadian company and became as we know it. I came on board as an add-in, 'join or not.' So I joined and has taken me a long time to learn how to use with all the different updates. There is Scribd., which does same and more with a controlled looks and felt hard, too much from too many, so I stayed with

4) What are some of your interests outside of
My interests outside of First, is my family, husband, son and daughter their marriage partners, my grandchildren, my brother, his wife, their children, and my pets: dog Elvis, and cats Agarus and Sasha! Next is outside in the air to experience: nature, weather, gardening, walking, and just sitting and working in a garden, which is a form of my exercise. Then my friends are very important; they show what I know and where I’ve been and where I’m going.
5) What kind of music do you listen to?
Music, there are so many styles. Music, I think helps with the story theme and genre. For Rhyonna’s Fright, I listened to Celtic and Irish music, which gave a faery feeling; then for the horror scenes Tangerine Orange; the lively scenes Reggae, and for flying a more flighty feeling with NewWave music.

6) What is your dream job?
My dream job is to be a famed Artist, in mixed media. When I readied for college, my mom would not hear of me applying to an Art School as a graphic artist, which was not women’s work and would not make money. A teaching certificate was only possible. So, out went the artist in come the teacher! I did take as many art classes as I could. I lasted about 13 years as a teacher: first grade, Kindergarten, art teacher, then a home pre-school teacher. I stuffed art into whatever I taught. Now art is in my writing. Creating is important in our lives and keeps us balanced, no matter what type.

7) Who is your role model or who would you want to be?
My role model was my sixth-grade teacher, Miss Owen; she had an art studio in the back of her room. I started reading then. Who would I be if I could, of course, the altruistic person: professional, considerate, educated, open-minded, cheery, authentic, understanding, trusting, giving value to others, famous, an authority in creativity.

8) In your opinion, what is the coolest thing in the world? (Object, Activity, Person, Place)
The coolest, fun thing in the world is movement: dancing, swimming, walking, skipping, hiking, climbing, sweeping, raking, walking up stairs and down, biking, not running! I wish I could fly. I do fly in my head; most of my dancing, I performed inside my imagination.
 I good!

9) What's the backstory to ‘Rhyonna’s Fright’?
When I was a child in Colorado Springs, CO, I live by Fountain Creek, which is now a freeway. My brother and I with friends would swing across the creek on metal cables hung in the cottonwood trees by the workers who laid the Golden Cycle Railroad from the mill up to Cripple Creek, CO where the gold was. The mill then closed was on the hill up beyond the creek, now with houses sitting on moving sand from the milling. At the creek, the faeries flutter with the other woodland spirits beside horses, frogs, snakes, birds and the little minions that lived there. That is where I met my faery who has traveled with me. I got her on paper after about 35 years of trying to get her to settle, which she did on a dandelion, and her name became Rhyonna.

10) Why do you like to write on, and what drives you to finish?
The community talks to each other with personal comments. One wonderful place to meet all ages, all genres --> writers, all wording rough draft stories. My followers drive me to a finish a book because they are interested in reading, vote, and leave constructive comments, must different that other social media sites.

 Seth_Kiven’, Cortlan Blakely, on receive Rhyonna’s Fright FREE from  with the code, ZN72G (not case-sensitive). 

August 1, 2016

Describing fantasy characters or beasts!

in the air, a plant seed spirit floats
in the air, a seed spirit floats
the plant spirit lands and sets out roots
landing, the spirit  grows
When describing a fantasy character think movement. Move their wings, feet, arms, faces, ears, eyes, heads around in your mind as you see the beastie. Then think of the voice or noise it makes. Best of all, become the creature; you are the actor: stand up, and talk, move as you want the creature to act. The more you move, the more you speak as the character or beastie, the better your description of the character in your verbal telling as well as your written words. When you charge the looks or emotions of a fantasy character, put in hints of the movements and voice, you visualize. Seed us clues along the way to create surprise. (Remember, do not describe all at once, which is boring and has no suspense). All of us have some idea how to visualize a griffin, dragon, monster, wizard or witch, warrior or princess in our minds; we need just a bit of your imagined details and off we go into our minds to enjoy your story.

November 2, 2015


The long web . . .

There are friends out there!
The virtual web is long lines that attached somewhere. I needed to find out where and to whom for my stories, especially Rhyonna's Flight, and I hoped to put some of my storytelling on video or audio. Actually was like I dangled out in space on a bouncing line in nowhere, confused by all the banners, ads, movie promotions with flashing lights waiting for a spider to eat, I liked spiders. Frankly, I was lost on a busy noise street downtown in the gigantic city, when I'm from the open, simple country with grass, trees, flowers and music flowing happily on two lanes, not multi lanes going in all directions. Finally, I went through, then bought a that website, bobbiestoryportfolio. Now I have two other blog sites, blobblobandblogging. And when the faeries and elfin stories arrived, I started Elfin and Faery Tales, now I have a website, Bobbie Kinkead. Then Facebook appeared, then twitter about the same time. These are easier for me and social; the web does attach to others!

October 29, 2015

Others on their side receives the story their way.

The hope of a story is to invoke a vision for a word, stating visual accounting of what is in a scene. Sometimes the visual account is a word list. An example in this sentence, “Rhyonna’s had mud mixed with hairy gray fluff on her hands, yellow dress, and wings.” Hopefully, the reader/listener inside their visual mind travels through the list to Rhyonna’s muddy hands, then to her muddy spotted, crumpled yellow dress, and to her tattered, gray hanging wings, the way the reader/listener saw the scene.
The reader/listener fills in the details they imagine and see in their mind. This is the magic of writing and storytelling. The other on their side receives the story their way. Like the two ways of setting up a website, the back end is what the technicians set up, the front end is what the viewer sees. Or, the computer with its programs has a special language and many experts created the programming for everything we do with the computer on on the web. This is also the magic of video games children love. Many created the visuals, pixel by pixel; a child intently plays the game as an interactive adventure to pursue. The child builds a visual story. Much as we drive a car knowing little about the motor, gears, brakes, use of fuels: we turn a key and guide it going on our adventure story.? And how much went into the work for a book held or story hear; the back story is not read. Much as a piece of art! a sewn quilt, a house or apartment we live in, the tap water we drink, and on and on.

The simplified front story is the magic we play and live in everyday. Who can or wants to measure the back story that created all of this for us to enjoy? No me, just enjoy!

October 19, 2015

Books as SERIALS

I've done a lot of looking at the e-publishing, web digital writing market. I'm a senior and seen a lot of changes which started for me in 1984, when joining SCBWI, Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. At that time the libraries had their funding cut, and the bookstores emerge.  Today lots of change in book publishing, the booming e-publishing where authors write, product, and market their own stories. 
-->Millions of ebooks are sold!  Soon readers on the many different electronic 'devices' will buy a chapter at a time. A good price per chapter is 99⍧ as an online song once cost. --->A 'series' book chapters as will be sold; check out and, to mention a few sites. Where a Beta reader reads a chapter at a time and make comments to better the author's work. Why not have the reader pay for this time and privilege?
---> Back in the history stories were told by letters or hand drawn book, we still write individual letters. Think of the value of this process in today's cost of time, physical material, and postage, pieces of art, yesterday's cards --->Then printing machines were invented, and stories printed in newspapers as a series. The author earned a penny a word; I read a lot of those wordy first novels. 
---> SO today, gear writings for this change, 'serial chapters' in the digital publishing. Use less words to create a simple, clean story to be read a at one time in our busy time. Also, as any excellent writing have a strong hook at the beginning of the chapter and stronger hook at the end of that chapter, so the reader buys the next serialize 'chapter' in your novel.