My ultimate writing goals, and have they changed over time. (If at all)?
Since 2009 to beyond 2018, my dearest goals are becoming, now looking forward to 2019.

Most projects are set-up; I just update with my written words, videos, drawings, and photo images! And link together for others to travel around the vast web as my Faery Rhyonna, who sits on her Dandelion watching and listening.
Still, need a hardcover for Rhyonna's Fright for bookstores in IngramSparks by DECEMBER 2018. Granddaughter is correcting the last edit.
For April's NANOWRICAMP, this year did DRAWN LINES - how-to-use LINE in art. Made a small hand-held book with lessons including types of lines, textures, and composition. Put on and April A2Z Challenge. Next to apply and teach DRAWN LINES at the Frank Bette Museum.
Art shows at DareDevils and Queens in Santa Rosa last February; Frank Bette Museum has three pieces displayed in Alameda; and at Free up Oakland, I am the artist-in-Residence show September 9, 2018.
For the July NaNoWriCamp — editing words 30,000 — to finished 10 stories about Hindi god Vishnu.
Keeping my blogs updated with my activities:
*storytelling blog,, A2Z challenges go to Amazon page and Google;
* - relates my feelings or bobbieism and my bobbiemyths;

* houses bubbles about Rhyonna's Fright and my stories: Able Women, Bold Tales Told: Vasilisa, and the Fire, the Hunger.
E-newsletter EVENTING ... for 2018 have changed the format because most of my friends have their own newsletters or blogs so will have interviews with authors, storytellers, and artists and to also include my latest projects in each seasonal issues.
Join my newsletter and recieve 10 storytelling charts for writing or telling your best story.

Did the SketchBookProject, my title,
I in Line - is now touring the USA with many other sketchbook in a van, which will be in San Francisco soon.