January 4, 2021

Why I don't finish reading a book!

Being a writer, when am I reading someone else's work, I stop reading because these frustrate my reading; too much backstory, long descriptions that are not necessary for the story, and the dialogue much too long like a  lecture, or too short, or not with the character's personality.

These stop me because I had too many writing classes and told too many stories. One might say this also stops most of my writing.

I have also noticed people listen to books on audio, or read short novels of 15 to 30 thousand words. I think because of our films and television we are more illiterate than the past generations and more images to read with movies and computers and television

However, what do I know? - This is just a bobbieism!

December 3, 2020

The time of the year that is my best writing time.

SPRING, when plants grow and surge from the earth is my best writing time. My ideals have germinated during the winter and now ready to break to the surface of the page. This is when I use NaNoWriCamp and A2Z Blogging Challenge in April to complete the story I began at the last July NaNoWriCamp and the Clarion Write-a-Thon. I need these programs to help me focus and complete my projects, I need a schedule.  My time in the between months is spent editing and organizing frame with stories. First, I tell the verbal folktales, fables, legends I have analized; then I stand-up at a swap or now on ZOOM to deliver. Then enhance, adapt, modify, elaborate the takes into organize epic sagas; a tiger, dragons, fire, and damsels, and trolls and elves. Next fitting into a frame and then writing out the adventure. I now have a series telling timeless tales with five books completed. Seems will be ready at the same time - could be good.

Getting them published is my next enormous step. Is there a challenge for publishing?

Read InsecureWriters' BLOGS

November 2, 2020

Why do I write what I write?

 From the creators of The Insecure Writer's Support Group,

Albert Camus once said, “The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself.”

Flannery O’Conner said, “I write to discover what I know.” 

SO ← why do I write and tell traditional tales and myths? I write and tell to inform readers and listeners of the other worlds of yesterday and how these worlds affect or effect our world today, changed history, and rewritten for people in power for control of people in a culture.  

How we evolve is found in folktales, legends, myths, fables, cautionary tales, fairy tales and epics. My writings warn that these tales change to suit the ones who control the media which can be verbal, written, or filmed. The stories taken and changed from the cultures of primitives, the Hindi, Chinese, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Africans, Egyptians, Mayas, Incas, Mongols, Arabians, English and our American culture. The cultural writers give explanations of what is thought as real at that time and this time. 

Reality has the same plots, characters, concerns, fears, and hopes then as now in the analogies of what is seen and heard as evolve by language, and technologies.

 Always, beware of whom tells the tales and what is reality is use.

October 8, 2020

Looking at the 'Working Writer'

The term working writer looks to me as two words that are saying the same. I think they mean working on writing words.

I see myself as a working writer, working editor, and working publisher, who is aspired to write and finish projects for others to read and hear. I have a message. 

To write is to work words into sentences, then the paragraph, next pages, and into a story, or lecture, or essay. All are literature terms. I am a writer with the skills of plotting, characters, scenes, timing, dialogue, creating mystery, and adventure, which I learned by reading folktales, fairy tales, legends, myths, and fables from all over the world. I lack the training in phonetics and creative writing because my early education was filling in the blanks, which I am excellent. I love to answer questions. 

To look and to see are excellent art terms. I am an artist with the skills and techniques to make designs, book covers, paintings, drawings and format novels, etc. 

I think 'looking at the working writer' means reading their words, which I hope happens for me and any writer devoting time and efforts to word a novel.

And last, the seeing or hearing of the spoken words from telling a story, which we all do. Some of us interesting; others need to think about the words use and how the listener is receiving their story as do all author.

  I am not a hobbyist!