October 29, 2015

Others on their side receives the story their way.

The hope of a story is to invoke a vision for a word, stating visual accounting of what is in a scene. Sometimes the visual account is a word list. An example in this sentence, “Rhyonna’s had mud mixed with hairy gray fluff on her hands, yellow dress, and wings.” Hopefully, the reader/listener inside their visual mind travels through the list to Rhyonna’s muddy hands, then to her muddy spotted, crumpled yellow dress, and to her tattered, gray hanging wings, the way the reader/listener saw the scene.
The reader/listener fills in the details they imagine and see in their mind. This is the magic of writing and storytelling. The other on their side receives the story their way. Like the two ways of setting up a website, the back end is what the technicians set up, the front end is what the viewer sees. Or, the computer with its programs has a special language and many experts created the programming for everything we do with the computer on on the web. This is also the magic of video games children love. Many created the visuals, pixel by pixel; a child intently plays the game as an interactive adventure to pursue. The child builds a visual story. Much as we drive a car knowing little about the motor, gears, brakes, use of fuels: we turn a key and guide it going on our adventure story.? And how much went into the work for a book held or story hear; the back story is not read. Much as a piece of art! a sewn quilt, a house or apartment we live in, the tap water we drink, and on and on.

The simplified front story is the magic we play and live in everyday. Who can or wants to measure the back story that created all of this for us to enjoy? No me, just enjoy!

October 19, 2015

Books as SERIALS

I've done a lot of looking at the e-publishing, web digital writing market. I'm a senior and seen a lot of changes which started for me in 1984, when joining SCBWI, Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. At that time the libraries had their funding cut, and the bookstores emerge.  Today lots of change in book publishing, the booming e-publishing where authors write, product, and market their own stories. 
-->Millions of ebooks are sold!  Soon readers on the many different electronic 'devices' will buy a chapter at a time. A good price per chapter is 99⍧ as an online song once cost. --->A 'series' book chapters as will be sold; check out wattpad.com and Jupebox.com, to mention a few sites. Where a Beta reader reads a chapter at a time and make comments to better the author's work. Why not have the reader pay for this time and privilege?
---> Back in the history stories were told by letters or hand drawn book, we still write individual letters. Think of the value of this process in today's cost of time, physical material, and postage, pieces of art, yesterday's cards --->Then printing machines were invented, and stories printed in newspapers as a series. The author earned a penny a word; I read a lot of those wordy first novels. 
---> SO today, gear writings for this change, 'serial chapters' in the digital publishing. Use less words to create a simple, clean story to be read a at one time in our busy time. Also, as any excellent writing have a strong hook at the beginning of the chapter and stronger hook at the end of that chapter, so the reader buys the next serialize 'chapter' in your novel.

August 24, 2015

Computer as a peer character

My work partner is my computer.

What a complicated character is the computer. Not an old character, most likely about 36 years old. Its development was a bit older so lets say about 42. So what does this character do for storytelling 1) writes, 2) records, 3) video tapes, 4) prints projects, 5) shares links, shares messages, and shares emails around the virtual expandable vast web. Only beware of the bugs and don't get caught while surfing, although fun, or observing what others have pinned to their nets, remember on a web, one side is sticky one you can get stuck, and held.  

The Producer for BobbieTales,  Bobbie Kinkead

May 27, 2015

The director throws the image!

The reader, listener, or viewer need a stage. An artist paints images within or around a frame to bring the viewer inside and hold them, same with a photo. The writer has written words symbols that pull together and create images of person, voice, and scene/place on a flat page. The storyteller, who faces the audience, has that audience looking at them while acting the voices and gestures of characters. A storyteller directs the voice, words, gestures, and body movements.  The goal is to keep the listen/viewer in their own minds while the storyteller directs the video/movie of the story. The place, the clothing, the character the viewer/listener supplies to the story. Writing a story is like this and depends on a voice in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person and in present or past tense to immersed the reader into the scenes. The readers lifts the story off the page to play in their minds as they read. A writer need to fill in the image with more word symbols while the storyteller uses tones of voice, face expression, hands, and body gesture to direct actions. The character is not on the stage, or painted on canvas, or worded on a page; character and plot are in the mind of the listener/viewer. When the viewer looks at a picture, one is in for the moment and makes-up the story, most times without a plot. 
Using all three is an exciting way to process a story journey. The joy is creating the story.

The Producer for BobbieTales

May 15, 2015

Characters have public persona!

We take snap shots.
A public persona is how you let others view you, your 'story', which is mixed with a public slant, the 'take' of a viewer, which is your, an adapted personality, the actor. Basically, you as a storyteller, a writer, an artist, or all three, who creates your public persona, 'STORY' which your public sees and hears.
 --> So beware! Do you know yourself in the public eyes! That persona is important when starting a professional career, especially on the Internet. With all the places to market yourself as the creator of ebooks, blogs, podcasts, webinars, videos, book tours; you build that persona. Your photo, still or playful, one or many views give snaps of you. Be appropriate! There is a history forming about you. The colors you wear:  just black or a rainbow, mode, pastels, or just pink. Most important is what you say:  innocent kid-like, intellectual or shy, sexually teasing, professional with humor, or mysterious vage. Words, written or spoken, add to your persona, a voice talking for, to, and with fans, readers, listeners, and supporters, encouraging them, putting down life, critical, or adapting to changes, and actions. They watch and listen building your appearance/character/persona by what they see you played.
-->  Beware, I have a friend that got locked into what was not and has played that part, never being true to the audience, which causes injuries. If you are a strong women and play weak, you will give a wrong picture. If you are a shy person and nervous this is seen. If playing expert but not knowing what is; or always correct, pushy; or maneuvering to be first and in front, or lecturing. These characteristic are observed. Style your public persona/character to be sincere, trustworthy, helpful, maybe humorous, and maybe a bit mysterious? Do not get stuck in who you are not.
 --> Watch yourself in videos and selfies, do them privately, practice. Check who you play, what type of character you see, be critical; you wear this persona all your career! Standing up to tell a story in front of listeners who are observing you as the characters is a great way of understanding persona and yourself, as the narrator, the creator -->You are the BRAND!

The Producer for BobbieTales