We take snap shots. | |
A public persona is how you let others view you, your 'story', which is mixed with a public slant, the 'take' of a viewer, which is your, an adapted personality, the actor. Basically, you as a storyteller, a writer, an artist, or all three, who creates your public persona, 'STORY' which your public sees and hears.
--> So beware! Do you know yourself in the public eyes! That persona is important when starting a professional career, especially on the Internet. With all the places to market yourself as the creator of ebooks, blogs, podcasts, webinars, videos, book tours; you build that persona. Your photo, still or playful, one or many views give snaps of you. Be appropriate! There is a history forming about you. The colors you wear: just black or a rainbow, mode, pastels, or just pink. Most important is what you say: innocent kid-like, intellectual or shy, sexually teasing, professional with humor, or mysterious vage. Words, written or spoken, add to your persona, a voice talking for, to, and with fans, readers, listeners, and supporters, encouraging them, putting down life, critical, or adapting to changes, and actions. They watch and listen building your appearance/character/persona by what they see you played.
Beware, I have a friend that got locked into what was not and has played that part, never being true to the audience, which causes injuries. If you are a strong women and play weak, you will give a wrong picture. If you are a shy person and nervous this is seen. If playing expert but not knowing what is; or always correct, pushy; or maneuvering to be first and in front, or lecturing. These characteristic are observed. Style your public persona/character to be sincere, trustworthy, helpful, maybe humorous, and maybe a bit mysterious? Do not get stuck in who you are not.
--> Watch yourself in videos and selfies, do them privately, practice. Check who you play, what type of character you see, be critical; you wear this persona all your career! Standing up to tell a story in front of listeners who are observing you as the characters is a great way of understanding persona and yourself, as the narrator, the creator -->You are the BRAND!
The Producer for BobbieTales
Ebook! When first seeing and hearing this word, maybe 5 years ago, I wondered about formatting, which was important in my writing. An ebook reads on a device with a continous flow of words.The need for readers to turn a page dismissed by a flow. All the options for fonts, size, etc. gone. As an artist and writer, the placement of any object; a square, house, flower, or a word involves space, turning a page is the space to see the images of the character or story plot. In an ebook each word must hook a reader, who words that are concise to complete the images. Use of the ebook's chapter is the best hook and end of the chapter the net so the reader continues. The challenge is to write a story without the aid of illustrations and embed the worded images in a constant flow.
-->So the challenge is how to choose words carefully to keep readers in my story.
The Producer for BobbieTales
Internet epublishing is like a flower growing fast in the Spring of it's life, and stretching and pushing in all directions for energy while spiders crawl, butterflies flutter, aphids eat, bees pollinate, and humming birds enjoy.
What does epublishing mean besides publishing on the internet? What are the bios,
tag words, categories for the word e-publishing of ebooks and PODs? How does one correctly spell epublishing, or e-publishing, or Epublishing; the spell checkers on my computer say it is missed spell in any form. What is marketing of the Authorperneur?
--> Epublishing is a creative flow that needs a language to be understood.
--> I have began my study: now overwhelmed!
The Producer for BobbieTales
Rhyonna is finished! — on 12/31/2014 her story became a book and she flitters around excitedly appearing here and there, well mostly sitting and watching the streaming.
Rhyonna waits for her story to be offered as an Amazon Kindle. So I'm taking Kristen Eckstein’s 30DayKindle Challenge.
The Kindle challenge is
a jump started for my next e-publishing project of all the picture book stories I wrote and compiled into the 'Bryce Community'. My master project in story writing while active in SCBWI. These stories came before writing the 'Elfin Letters' for my granddaughter. My masters in being a grandmother and lover of the elves and trolls and other land spirits.
So busily viewing videos for LearnScrivenerFast by the Scrivener Coach Joesph Michael to reformat the Bryce stories and the Elfin Letters. All this while in NaNoWriCAMP to start my story series 'BOLD TALES TOLD'. Because I love story have learned and told hundreds. Included in the ABC series are many of my original stories and others learned while verbally storytelling. The first ABC segue is about Able Womenfolk.
And all this while going while going to classes to master wordpress; one must have a website. Or, does one, too much is too much! I'm sure all above are important for the plan I have, e-publishing my stories.
And if that was not enough, now taking a online class Virtual Podcast Tours, to go on the virtual road and share my stories in audio form.
The Producer for BobbieTales
Writing is not easy and the scribe must add more words for the visuals of the story then when verbally told. The gestures of body, face expressions, and the voice add clues to the spoken word for a listener. A read can imagine but if the writer wants more control, more words of description are necessary, only caution not too many or the reader is bored. BALANCE is the key, and the SECRET is clues positioned here and where within the text for a picture of the scenes and with the characters, just enough, not too much, or, no clues like a picture book or poem. Let the listener/reader illustrate their vision. Picture books do have illustrators still not as good as how the mind sees.