Showing posts with label computer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label computer. Show all posts

June 27, 2020

My Work Partner

My work partner is my computer.

What a complicated character is the computer? Not an old character, most likely about 36 years old. Its development was a bit older so let's say about 42. So what does this character do for storytelling 1) writes, 2) records, 3) videotapes, 4) prints projects, 5) shares links, 6) shares messages, and 7) shares emails around the virtual expandable vast web. Beware of the bugs and don't get caught while surfing in a net, although fun, by observing what others have pinned to their nets as charms. Remember on a web one side is sticky; you can get stuck and held.  

AS IS Productions for BobbieTales,  Bobbie Kinkead