June 6, 2019

My favorite genre to read, and the genre I write.

Check out other opinions.

Notice who is hiding.
NON-FICTION and ARCHEOLOGY are my favorite readings, and of course, all the information about writing and publishing.

What I write is FANTASY. I have always taken what is real and twisted around to show my opinions in the stories I create.  Non-fiction does allow this re-imaging and enhancement.

So, I am a writer who uses symbolized words to write analogy, similies, and metaphors about the possibilities of the real. We don't know what is real. Over hundreds of years, what was once believed reality has changed and still changes. Many theories exist about these changes. So I adapt, embroidery, modify, and elaborate on what I think reality is.

I believe we build on the dreams of the fictional, fantasy, and science-fiction thinkers. Then I carry this one level farther to the characters that float, flitter or walk around us that we do not see in our limited reality.


  1. I love the concept of weaving archaeology into fantasy!

  2. I can see where archeology would give you all sorts of ideas for fantasy.
