June 12, 2018

Are book titles or character names the hardest?

insecure writers support group
Insecure Writers Support Group
Character's name seem to change more than titles.

When writing about the character, name changing creates a huge problem for the story. That means going back to update the character in the different draft for each book. What a nightmare! Even if I do character's sketches before hand, as soon as that character goes on paper into word from, name changes. As my Queen for the Elfin Village, when she came to marry Jack her name was Fonia Fae, opps, the Emma Fae, opps --> movie characters were made faster then my tales could spin. Finally now, Irenia Kyra is the Queen's name, which the Elfin Queen seems to like. The spelling sometimes gets into a different version so I am always checking. The checking keeps the novels moving along and in a consistant dialogue with the writer because I work for years.

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